Uninsured Services
What isn't covered by the AHCIP
The Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP) does not cover all health care services. However, some services not covered by the AHCIP may be covered by other government sponsored or private supplementary health insurance.
Non-insured health services include, but are not limited to:
- Prescription drugs
- Ambulance services
- Routine eye exams for residents 19–64 years of age
- Eyeglasses and contact lenses
- Some immunizations. Contact Alberta Health Services about exceptions, or for information on immunizations, call Health Link at 811
- Third-party medical services, such as medicals for employment, insurance or sports
- Drivers Medical Examination for persons under the age of 74 years.
- Hearing aids, medical and surgical appliances, prosthetics, supplies, mobility devices, etc.
- Medical-legal services
Prescription drugs – coverage and services
Albertans are responsible for the cost of prescription drugs provided to them outside hospitals, auxiliary hospitals and nursing homes. All Albertans have access to prescription drug benefits through the Alberta government sponsored drug program.
About drug coverage and services
Alberta Health strongly recommends that all Albertans obtain and maintain insurance coverage for prescription drugs. Government supported supplementary coverage is available through Alberta Blue Cross Non-Group coverage to cover a variety of health services not covered by the AHCIP.
Changes to insured services
Changes in services covered under the AHCIP can occur. It is therefore advisable to ask your physician or health care provider, or contact the AHCIP about coverage before proceeding with treatment.
Low-income options
The Alberta government has programs to assist low-income Albertans and their families with health services that are not covered by the AHCIP.
The Alberta Child Health Benefit Plan
Get free eyeglasses, prescriptions and dental visits for your children through the Alberta Child Health Benefit plan. It helps pay health care bills for families with limited incomes. Knowing your children’s health is cared for will bring peace of mind.
The Alberta Adult Health Benefit program
The Alberta Adult Health Benefit program supports Albertans in low income to ensure they have access to prescription drugs, dental services, optical services, emergency ambulance and diabetic supplies that are essential to health and well-being. Knowing your health and your family’s health is cared for will bring peace of mind.
Alberta Aids to Daily Living may offer assistance. Call 780-427-0731 in Edmonton, or toll-free in Alberta, dial 310-0000, then 780-427-0731